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2019 3-D Predictions (Redux Rerun)

2019 3D Predictions (Redux Rerun)

In this updated podcast Adolph , Jake and James attempt to predict the future (2019) .  Since 2019 is over we are reposting it. The original record date of this podcast is: January 6th 2019 at 3 PM CST. We edited out the 2018 predictions recap section and edited in the new credits and intro.

Podcast Outline:

  • New Intro

  • What 3D Movies are we looking forward to in 2019 ?

  • What 3D Movies are we dreading in 2019 ?

  • 2019 Predictions

Some examples of our 2019 predictions: 

  • Avatar 2 delayed again ?

  • Dumbo a flop ?

  • Shazam a bigger hit than Captain Marvel

  • Mario and Luigi partners in time 3DS remake

  • And many more !

We hope that you enjoyed our 2019 predictions show !

Listen to the original version here:


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2019 3D Predictions (Redux Rerun) Adolph Vega, James Tate, Jake Jarvis