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3D Predictions for 2022

3D Predictions for 2022

  • Record Date: January 1st 2022

  • Edited on January 10th 2022

Adolph, Jake Jarvis , and Jacob Scarberry attempt to predict the future in in this podcast. What will happen in 2022 ? ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ”ฎ

This silly over the top annual podcast ๐ŸŽง๐Ÿ™‰ is back. 2021 was a crappy year. Yeah it was less crappy than 2020 but will 2022 be any better ?

Podcast outline:

  • What 2022 3D Movies are we dreading/ looking forward to?

  • 2022 Predictions

A few 2022 Predictions to peak your interest:

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3D Predictions for 2022 Adolph Vega, Jake Jarvis and Jacob Scarberry