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3D or 2D Movie Club 2 Intro

3D or 2D Movie Club 2 Intro

We are back for a second 3Dor2D Movie Club podcast. We did one earlier in 2020 and now we are back for another go. What movie should the Editorial team at 3Dor2D.com watch and talk about on the podcast ? This eventual podcast will have spoilers. So what movie do you want us to watch and talk about on the podcast ? Please vote ! Whatever movie is the winner will be watched and talked about on the podcast by the editorial team. If a tie somehow happens the patrons on Patreon will break the tie, however this time we are doing ranked choice voting so a tie is extremely unlikely to happen. We will announce a winner on the podcast and on the website at the end of the voting period. Voting period starts today December 3rd and ends December 13th. You can vote quickly, safely and easily from your home or even on your phone. It will take few seconds to vote and voting is open to everyone in the world, and we will not require any sort of registration or log-in to vote. Please vote by December 13th 2020 12 AM CST

Watch all the Movie trailers here:


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3D or 2D Movie Club 2 Intro Adolph Vega & Jake Jarvis