Thor Love and Thunder 3D Movie Review

Thor Love and Thunder 3D Movie Review

Written By: Jake Jarvis

Thor Love and Thunder 3D Movie Review


My heart sank during the opening shot of Thor Love And Thunder. It was the flattest of all flat shots. Essentially the shot had a shadow on dry land, and it had zero depth. Fortunately, for 3D enthusiasts, this issue is promptly rectified with loads of cgi eye candy. Most of the long shots don't have great depth, but the mid and close up shots make up for that with impressive depth and a few subtle pop outs. Some 3D is muddled in a few darker scenes, but not all. Some of the best 3D scenes include; scenes with the Necro sword, the exercise montage, the flying goats, naked Thor, and finally the cave battle with a rabbit. Overall Thor Love and Thunder is well worth seeing in 3D.

Final Verdict: Great 3D


Thor Love And Thunder is tearjerker story told as a rom-com with super-heroes in a movie made for teenagers. Taika Waititi's take on Gor the God Butcher and Mighty Thor will probably ruffle the feathers of comic book purists. This movie might also upset many fans of the Marvel movie formula.

Love and Thunder feels more like one of those British Ealing comedies (The only thing missing was Sir Alec Guinness) with its dry and dark humor. Thor Love And Thunder doesn’t feel like your typical “Marvel movie”. Without giving away spoilers, this movie shakes up Thor's status quo. Christian Bale is incredible playing Gor the god butcher. Gor is a more traditional comic book villain. Bale really sells Gor as a sympathetic and relatable character. Russell Crow is great at playing the character of Zeus. Zeus is a corrupt, obnoxious, petty, dictator (just like he was in greek/roman mythology). Zeus has a stereotypical Mediterranean accent instead of the typical Shakespearean British accent. A lot of the old gang is back in Love and Thunder, including Natalie Portman as Dr, Jane Foster (who is also The Mighty Thor). This movie even includes a cameo from the Guardians of the Galaxy. Love and Thunder has many funny jokes and some decent action. I didn't find the mix of humor and drama jarring, but you mileage may vary. If you can overlook some of the characters acting stupider than normal, you will have a really good time with Thor Love And Thunder. Be sure to wait around for the mid credit and post credit scenes after the movie concludes.

Thor Love And Thunder is not perfect, but it is perfectly good. This movie won’t be for everyone but I really enjoyed it.

Final Verdict: 8/10


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Lightyear 3D Movie Review

Lightyear 3D Movie Review

Written By: Jake Jarvis

Light year 3-d movie review


The 3D is an afterthought with Lightyear. It is so shallow, I bet you can probably watch the 3D version without glasses, and hardly notice a difference. It's a real shame, because the few times it does pop-out or goes deep; it is glorious. The various flight sequences are the 3D stand out scenes. Unfortunately, those moments are few and far between. The animation is top tier and the textures, lighting and shadows are all gorgeous. It’s too bad that not as much care was spent on the 3D aspect of Lightyear. Lightyear easily has the weakest 3D in a Pixar film in recent memory. In closing, I don’t hate the 3D aspect of Lightyear, but I can only barely recommend it.

Final Verdict:Good 3D

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Lightyear is Pixar's attempt at a summer box office extravaganza. Disney really tried to do something different with the Toy Story franchise with this movie and, it doesn't all work.

Depending on your relationship with Disney nostalgia and Pixar canon, Lightyear could really trigger your nerd-rage. A pity because, overall, this is a good film; something that will probably be lost in the aftermath of the major spoiler filled twists to the film. Chris Evans is fine voicing Buzz Lightyear in this movie. Tim Allen (in the Toy Story movies) and Patrick Warburton (in the Buzz Lightyear of Star Command TV show) were also fine in their versions of this character. The film opens with a text crawl stating this was the movie that inspired the Buzz Lightyear toy that Andy got in the original Toy Story movie. Why was this a text crawl and not an animated scene in this movie? This could have tied in perfectly with a remastered opening of the original Toy Story movie. Wouldn't we all like to revisit Andy and his toys with modern 2022 CGI animation? Lightyear is kind of a throwback to the 1950s sci-fi books and their "hard" science approach to storytelling, but with 21st century values. This movie is slowly paced, so don't be surprised if the kids doze off between the various action sequences. Of all the new characters introduced in Lightyear, Sox the robotic cat is the real stand out. He gets all of the best lines, most of the laughs and probably will sell millions and millions Sox the cat toys. Why Andy preferred Buzz to Sox is a mystery for the ages. Please be sure to wait around after the movie ends for the mid-credit, and the two post-credit scenes.

Lightyear is a good movie that doesn’t exactly reach the same quality as the other Toy Story films. It’s not going to make everyone happy, but it’s a solid movie that most people will be able to enjoy.

Final Verdict: 7/10

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