Jason Borne (5) gets an awful 3D release in China
"The film, the fifth of the Jason Bourne series, has been heavily criticized two days after its release in China on Tuesday. The movie was slammed for its dizzying 3D effects, with many viewers saying the movie was not suitable for a 2D-to-3D adaption due to the film's violently shaking cinematography, thanks to director Paul Greengrass' hand-held camera-shooting style.
What further irritated Chinese audiences, especially Jason Bourne fans, was the 3D version appears to be their only choice.
According to The Beijing News, only 8 of 149 movie theaters in Beijing provided the 2D version as of Thursday.
In Shanghai, it was 9 of 174, and the theaters with the 2D version are either located in remote areas or screen the film early in the morning or late at night.
Odeon Cinemas, one of the biggest cinema chains in the UK, only offers the film's 2D version, according to its website.
Jason Bourne fan Zhou Yuchen on Thursday organized a protest with 30 other people against the 3D version, demanding a refund in a cinema in Chaoyang district, Beijing on Thursday.
"The 3D version is a rip-off. It's been happening many times in China and must be stopped," Zhou told the Global Times on Thursday, adding that he would organize similar protests online."
-Global Times
This story is only a small part of a bigger article , you can read all about it here .
A group of filmgoers show their phone screens with a message that reads, "refund our tickets," in protest against a Jason Bourne 3D screening at a Beijing cinema on Thursday. Photo: Li Hao/GT
Source: Global Times
My Thoughts
Stories like this are infuriating because it's obvious the movie studios only care about money and don't care about crafting a quality 3D stereoscopic experience. I have reviewed several movies that have terrible or uninspired 3D, however it's never caused me to want to vomit . Shame on Universal Pictures for doing this dishonorable service to fans of 3D and making it nearly impossible for people to watch it in 2D. This is part of the reason to why I made this website because I was feed up with movie studios making bad 3D movies. I felt like nobody was covering the quality of the 3D visuals and different movie studios could get away with injustices like this . In a perfect world all 3D movies would be filmed in 3D and would look fantastic and give the viewer a enjoyable superior immersive experience. I am not against post converted 3D movies . The results are mixed on how good the quality of post converted 3D movies can be but some can look pretty good . What I am against is greedy corporations making movies "3D" for only the sake of greed and they don't care at all about the quality. This is a truly outrageous what Universal Pictures did to this movie and this practice shouldn't be allowed anywhere. The audience should have the opportunity to watch a movie in 2D and it should never be forced upon anyone as the only realistic option to watch a movie . I will try to contact Universal Pictures for a comment on this Jason Borne controversy.