Finding Dory
Finding Dory
Review Written By: Adolph Vega
![Screen Shot 2016-06-29 at 6.48.58 AM.jpg](
This animated movie uses three-dimensional cinematography in a conservative yet enjoyable fashion. The movie is mostly set within the ocean and has fish and other plant life moving within different layers of depth based 3D. The movie only had one truly memorable 3D moment, which involved a truck in free fall. I wish the movie played up the 3D element further with more fish popping out , use of bubbles or under water foliage. Overall I can midly recommend the 3D element of this movie.
Final Verdict: Good 3D
Finding Dory takes place about a year later than its predecessor; Finding Nemo . This movie in many ways feels like a retread of the original, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing; considering that Finding Nemo is considered by most to be a modern classic. Both "finding" movies follow similar story beats with many of the same characters.
This movie is focused on the fish named Dory as she is trying to reunite with her parents. Dory has an interesting character quirk in that she suffers from short term memory loss. This character aspect is interesting but leads to some issues with the plot. The amount of time Dory forgets is very dependent on what the story needs her to remember at any given time, and this element is incredibly inconsistent within the movie. Dory at times forgets things only seconds after they occur and other times her memory resets after several minutes.
A small issue that I had with the movie was with how far fetched some of the scenarios were presented within the movie. I know it's animated film aimed for children , but I found it hard to believe that no humans noticed or questioned the events within the storyline. It seems a little too convenient that the humans within this movie are totally oblivious to what is happening during many key scenes.
The movie has a fantastic emotional arch that is both satisfying and enjoyable. The plot has many call backs to previous scenes and it feels rewarding to the audience. Many scenes within the movie involve flashbacks with a younger Dory and her parents. These scenes are incredibly touching, sweet and are simply a joy to watch. It's a shame the movie doesn't use these flashbacks to explain how Dory got her disability. The movie never tried to define or establish the rules regarding her short term memory loss. Was Dory born with this memory condition ? Did something happen to Dory to cause this disability? Why can her short term memory range from a few seconds to a few minutes? It's a shame that all these questions were left unanswered within the movie . A few lines of dialogue could have solved these unresolved mysteries.
One of the best aspects of the movie is the characters who are distinct and interesting. The movie handles the large cast well and knows how to focus on key elements to make all the characters enjoyable and memorable. Dory's parents which I mentioned earlier have stand out performances and are great characters . I enjoy how the movie presents the different animals and gives them characteristics that fit their perspective species. The story has great flow and I was always entertained and never bored by the movie .
The movie looks beautiful with excellent animation and a wonderful art style that gives it personality. The movie looks better than its predecessor but also remains true to how the previous movie looks. At times the visuals are photorealistic and have stunning visuals.
Overall, I really enjoyed the movie, even with the small problems that it had. I wish the story elements were more unique and not just a redo of its predecessor. I also wanted more explanation on Dory's condition. Finding Dory works well as both a stand alone movie and a sequel because it's a well made movie with lots of heart and laughs . Finding Dory is a entertaining sweet movie that the entire family can enjoy .
Final Verdict : 8/10